Did you know that I am competing, along with four other fabulous chicks, in the Battle of the CTs at Digiscrap Addicts? That's right, I am! I am one member of the fab 5 team known as "Trixie's Scrap Stars!" We're having so much fun competing together!
This week, our challenge was to create a white-space layout with a common color theme. We could also optionally choose a common page theme, as well. So, the girls and I got together and we decided to use
Trixie Scraps' mini kit, Sarah's Song, for our layouts. We also decided to do a common theme and we all put together an "ABC About Me" page - they turned out GREAT!! Here's a look at each of our layouts:
Now, there is a HUGE prize at the end of the DSA Battle of the CTs, and the way you win is by winning the public vote. All the votes are added together, each week for four weeks, and the team with the most votes at the end WINS a huge pack of coupons from all the participating designer sponsors. Needless to say, I'd LOVE to win this prize, so I'm begging for votes!
Would you please head to the DSA forum and vote for us? You don't have to be a member of the community to vote - just head over, find Trixie's Scrap Stars on the designer team list and click VOTE!!
To thank you for voting for us, Trixie Scraps has designed a brand new kit and we get to give it away for FREE to all of you! Each week for the four weeks of the DSA Battle of the CTs, I'll have a new piece for you to download - and its a mystery download, too! So, here is the first peek at this fabulous kit - just click on it to download the first part of this freebie. Trust me, you're gonna love it!
Thanks so much for voting for me and my team - and don't forget to check back next week for the second part of this new freebie kit from Trixie Scraps!
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